I am so GLAAD that so many followers clicked to read the first installment of Packing Beauty. Today, read what I’m taking for a week in Costa Rica. Destination matters. I’d be packing completely different items for a ski trip. For our upcoming journey, we’re thinking palm trees, monkeys and optional clothing. This translates into SPF, tint, and out-of-control-glow. #HeyGirlHey!
After scanning this post, you’ll have all the info you need to pack: what to take, what never to forget, and what to buy upon your arrival anywhere. Trust me. In recent years, I’ve awakened in Milan without a comb, primped for an event with the lead designer at Neiman Marcus with no deodorant, and arrived in Berlin in desperate need of tweezers. This might sound corny but it’s just moi watching out for you: make a list. #YouAreWelcome
First things first: the must haves or items never to be forgotten. Pack these first and ideally, have an extra one of each just for travel. Making the packing process as easy as possible is key. Put aside a set of nail clippers, razor, tweezers, a comb, toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant just for travel. This way, no matter how bad things might be, you will be at your best. #basics
Because we should always aim to move beyond the basics, consider taking these important next steps. #JustSayin’
GWP stands for Gift With Purchase. Brands advertise when they run a deal with a retailer and with a minimum purchase they offer a set of deluxe samples (samples on steroids). Be prepared for the awkward yet amazing size that’s never available for sale but customarily equates to half the retail price of a product ‘sampled’. Packets, vials and sachets are standard. You want them all. #YouCanDoIt
Leaving for a week and pushing my better half to take better care of his skin, this is how the project unveils. Facial cleanser is best enjoyed in a GWP tube (usually a 1oz size). Skip the toner while traveling. Face masks are fundamental in single use packets either as samples or sheet masks when you travel. Take one eye cream–try to score a sample size tube, not a packet. It’s nice to re-use and stay fresh. AM/PM treatments work ok in single use packets, as do face creams.

For a tropical getaway, bring a full size SPF for the face and body. Because we’re a traveling duo, we pack full sizes of deodorant and shaving cream as well. #ItTakesTwo
I buy shampoo and conditioner locally (in addition to any items I forget). My hair requires thermal reconditioning, so I do care. I need a great conditioner. Just about any shampoo will do but since I need to wash various styling products from my hair each day, I opt not to forego traveling with a pound of hair care. Besides, there’s always such joy in discovering a local find. #Qué?
Smelling amazing while away is an absolute must. It can be what scores you a table in the most popular local haunt when nobody knows you from Adam’s house cat.. #Meow!
It’s not ever necessary to travel with a full size fragrance, however. That’s just weird. Instead travel with sample vials of your favorite scent, which are always readily available. If you don’t have a favorite scent, just ask for a few bon bon vials from Bond No. 9 after making a purchase. They make for the chicest travel accessory. #eSCENTial

Back to GWP for a second. And, I do wish it stood for Gwyneth Paltrow. Many brands offer deluxe size body items with purchase, especially when you’re dealing with a sales associate who is having a particularly great day. While I enjoy *most* hotel amenities, I love to special select shower gels and body lotions. After a few uses, you’ll be dispensing with your deluxe samples anyway,and traveling home lighter. #WinWin
Lastly, never ever underestimate the power of evil. Always make sure to have some sort of zip zapping spot treatment on hand. I rotate between Origins Super Spot Remover and Ole Henriksen Roll-On Acne Solution. Both couldn’t be more portable and pack a punch of skin clearing actives. Whatever nightmare you’re dealing with, I promise overnight results. #onenightstand
Honestly, I suck at traveling light. But I do want to look my best when seeking directions in sign language with an accent.
Below, take a look at some Bart-pproved travel sets that might help you conquer some foreign land. I make no promises, but promise you’ll stand a very good chance. #MayTheOddsBeEverInYourFavor