Scene: I’m with my friend Emily at a place called ‘Fish’ in the West Village. We order oysters. Wine. We check in on Foursquare. Tag each other. And Emily flips out. There is no oyster emoji. #FAIL
Whether congratulating someone with a ‘high five’ card or sending a simple ‘I miss you’ note, offers a wide array of emotionally expressive cards that are sleek, fit into any bill size envelope, and are mailed within 24 hours of receiving your order. Like, #OMG!

I have always been a sucker for handwritten notes. I mail ‘thank you’ cards immediately following a dinner or get together, regardless of how formal. Our annual Holiday Card mailing extravaganza is worthy of a reality show–the hunt, the buy, the mailing alone. #WTF
I’ll admit I’m a little guilty of over sharing via social media platforms. It’s a way of communicating with others when I am alone and when I’m out with my husband or with friends, the taking of photos, texting and posting, we are very much ‘alone together.’ #sadface
The modern conversation has become so dominated by the instantaneity of social and digital media that voice is rarely present anymore. We rely almost exclusively on instant messages, replies, retweets, and shares to communicate even our deeper thoughts. Voice and style have been replaced by digital features that homogenize communication. #WYWH is a greeting card delivery service that gives one the ability to personalize trendy, recognizable acronyms with original handwritten messages for any occasion. Every card arrives with a personalized and removable insert.
Select a card and write out your message. After it is delivered, the recipient removes the message and the card is as good as new. Dead serious. You can write on the inside of the card and mail it out again. Think old school meets digital. The card itself is re-greetable. #LOL

The idea for the company came to Amanda in 2010. Just a year later, she debuted a full product line. In 2011 she donated 4,000 cards to the GLAAD Awards and a year after that had a fully functional site with an always overstuffed shopping cart. #xoxo
Your inner geek might see signs of the particular aesthetic Amanda Sromek brings to TextTalks. She attended University of Colorado, Boulder, a favorite campus for myriad Apple pilots. Like Steve Jobs, from the first time she used a Mac, she knew the importance of selecting the perfect font, which is never a trivial element. TextTalks’ was hugely inspired by her first encounter with a Mac. #SRSLY
Stay tuned for TextTalks announcement coming very soon. Their WYWH (Wish You Were Here) card will be featured as a key segment of TTTalks program. This particular card will be one of the ‘Keep the Chat Alive’ heroes, which will fund a soon to be named charity that promotes awareness of human trafficking (you are welcome for this insider tip).
Pick up a few cards at and inject your voice with today’s lingo, putting content on a par with context and sharing the love of clear and honest communication.