Alpha-H Beauty Sleep Power Peel

alpha h power peel retinol glycolic beauty sleep review inhautepursuit

It’s no secret I’m partial to Australian brands. Maybe it’s the fact that they deliver some of the most impressive sunscreen formulas in the world? And you definitely need one of those if you plan on treating yourself to my latest fave from Down Under, the Alpha-H Beauty Sleep Power Peel. If you get excited by the following sound bytes: Glycolic Acid, Retinol, Fruit Enzymes – this overnight sleep-in mask cream peel hybrid delivers all the above.

alpha h beauty sleep retinol power peel review inhautepursuit


A monster of a brand on QVC UK, Alpha-H is actually huge everywhere but Stateside. Which. I. Just. Don’t. Get. Since my first experience with the iconic Liquid Gold, I cannot get enough of this innovative, effective and no nonsense range. The brand new Beauty Sleep Power Peel comes to us after 21 years in the making and while I’m neither a mathematician nor a numerology expert… can we say JACKPOT?

alpha h power peel beauty sleep qvc inhautepursuit review

What is it exactly?

This Alpha-H gem is literally a no-rinse, sleep-in, overnight cream mask exfoliator with anti-aging benefits. Yeah, that sums it up about right. The ultimate in hybrid multitasking, this fancy potion is to be played with only twice per week. If you’re using other acid infused products like toners or serums, treat yourself to some Beauty Sleep therapy once a week. Personally, I highly recommend it. There is nothing worse than overdoing it with an exfoliant. Not cute.


What’s in it?

Everything good. The clever balance of 14% Glycolic Acid, 0.5% Retinol, and Fruit Enzymes eliminates surface cell build up to reveal brighter, even toned, and firmer skin. Are you ready for this? Without irritation. The rich creamy base is both potent and moisturizing to prevent Alpha Hydroxy or Vitamin A related dryness episodes. If your complexion is ruddy, dull, congested, or exhibiting signs of aging, this Australian medley delivers on all fronts.

alpha h beauty sleep peel retinol glycolic review inhautepursuit

Why you should consider.

No matter how satisfying your current skincare routine, Alpha-H is at the forefront of exfoliating innovation and their Beauty Sleep Power Peel, used just once a week, will boost the efficacy of everything you choose. There is a slight tingle upon application, which is easy to embrace since it lasts only seconds. If your skin is super sensitive, start slow and only use one pump (I use two). During colder weather, when skin tends to tighten, I plan to layer on a single note facial oil before going to bed (probably Marula Oil).

Energized, visibly more clear, and overall younger looking, my skin responds tremendously well to the Alpha-H Beauty Sleep Power Peel. Suitable for all skin types, it performs overnight miracles on my T-zone. Not the easiest to find in the US, try hunting it down on ($61.80), ($72 or £54) and on (not sure why it’s $129) where international shipping is free on orders of $250 or more.

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